- calendar_month December 17, 2024
- folder Week Before Christmas
Enjoying The Week Before Christmas
By: YVONNE PRATT | Source: Stonegableblog.com
The week before Christmas can be stressful. This post is part pep talk and part sage advice about how to let go of the things that steal our joy and how to find wonder in the days before Christmas.
Off my list is making my famous sugar cookies. Yes, we will all miss them this Christmas but fitting them into my schedule would increase my already busy week. And who says New Year sugar cookies don’t taste just as good.
Off my list is cleaning the clutter in my office and cleaning the garage. I can tackle my office early in the New Year. And my often cluttered garage is nothing new.
Off my list is making homemade gnocchi for Christmas dinner. I’m using frozen gnocchi, and it will be fine!
I would love a home that is completely organized and oh-so pristine, but my life is very hectic this time of year, like yours too! So, Christmas morning might find closets that have all kinds ofstuff in them and laundry that needs to be done. Oh, well! But Christmas morning will find my heart and soul merry and peaceful and filled with the joy of Christmas!
It’s all about choices. I can stress myself into a grinchy attitude getting everything perfect (is it EVER really perfect) and be tired and grumpy and miss the magic and wonder and cheer of Christmas.
Or I can do what is reasonable and forget the rest. I’ll be much happier, less stressed, and more welcoming on Christmas day! And I can really enjoy this special time of the year! And to tell the truth, no one will be the wiser!
I LOVE the days leading up to Christmas. The tree and the lights and the music and the holy feel this week has! Why should I rob myself of living every minute in the miracle of Christmas?
And why rob yourself?
I’m a great list maker. Lists keep my mind on track and let it rest from trying to keep everything together.
Make a list of what you have to do today, tomorrow, and until Christmas Eve, and take a ruthless look at it. Cross of absolutely everything that is not a must. And add a few things you love to do this time of year instead!
Cancel every appointment that is not crucial until after the New Year!
The oil in my car can wait another week. And so what if I don’t know what most of the buttons and gadgets are on my new Subaru. As long as it drives, we will all survive until I can take my class to learn what cool things my car can do! I’m scheduling that for sometime in January.
And if your must-list is still a bit overwhelming, give yourself the Christmas gift of help. Find someone who can help you in a pinch.
Trade a friend for the help you need now and repay by helping when they need it. Ask your family to pitch in.
I promise you no one will know you didn’t clean under the bed or judge your messy office. So you shouldn’t either!
And so what ( I’m using those words a lot) if you tie a simple bow on a present. Isn’t it the thought that counts? Forget making those Christmas appetizers and buy a cheese ball instead.
Life and Christmas are way too short to be stressed and miss out on the beauty of one minute of Christmas.
Now, go ahead and start making a list and crossing things off. And do it while listening to Christmas music. You will feel that stress melt away!
Relax, concentrate on the real meaning of Christmas (hint, it’s in the name), and don’t miss one second of these beautiful, glorious magical days!